Monday, September 6, 2010

5 Sept - Follow Me

Every step we take with Jesus in this part of the gospel brings us into harsher and harsher circumstances. His tone gets grimmer. “Whoever comes to me and does not hate . . .”(Luke 14:26). To hear that passage even after many centuries is to be chilled by its harshness. It could be terrifying to hear.

This is a time in our Bible reading and study when we must be aware that such exaggerated language was commonplace in Jesus’ society and culture. If we go further down the passage to verse 33, we find the heart of Jesus’ meaning. His demand for ultimate discipleship is that a man or woman “give up all.” What Jesus is pleading for is that to follow him is to offer our lives to him with singlemindedness and deep commitment. To have a religion or faith that is a mildly diverting weekend hobby is not following Christ. Having an intellectual interest in theology is not following Jesus. These things are in their own way admirable, but they are not what Jesus meant when he said to people, “Follow me.”

The decision to follow Jesus Christ is one of ultimate significance in a human life. Very few of us can respond to the call of Christ on the level that some great souls have done. To “renounce all” in a literal way is a fearful thing and is possible only for some. That is precisely why we know these men and women as great souls or saints, both in the past and in our own time. But when Jesus calls us, we decide to follow at the level at which we can. And Jesus accepts us! Good news.


Fr. Bob+

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