Wednesday, August 12, 2009

9 Aug - The Bread Of Life

John 6: 35, 41 - 51

The Bread of Life

Most of us were told that if we worked really hard, it was going to bring “the good life.” Or if we had the right looks or the right kind of resume.

Or the right exercise program or the right body fat level.

Or the right investment portfolio or contacts in the right places.

Or the right church, the right theology, the right political persuasion.

We’ve all searched down a few of life’s paths - - for “the good life,” and perhaps come out just as lost as before.

And maybe just as hungry as before.

So what can the answer finally be? Today’s readings teach us simply that pursuing these “good things” as ends in themselves, is anything but the pathway to “the good life.” The authentic life – the life of depth and meaning – is rooted in our relationship with God, and how that life is lived-out with those God gives to us.

The bread of the world, while necessary, will only turn stale.

The Bread that Christ gives, in the Word, and in Christ’s body that is broken for us, lasts forever.

That is the living bread that nourishes us, and leads us: To be kind to one another; To be tenderhearted with those close to us; To forgive one another when we hurt each other; and finally, to help one another on our journeys together in Christ.

Jesus teaches that when we do these things, we will find that we have discovered “the good life,” the abundant life, in living that way.

And of course, we will find that this is not the soft life, or the easy life, but it is the life of Christ, lived in and through us!

This is the life that relieves the hunger - - beneath all hungers, and Jesus maintains that it’s the only life worth anything – to anybody!

It’s the “good life” rooted in Grace. For that reason, it is a life which we ultimately would not trade for all the tea in China! Amen.


Fr. Bob +

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