Monday, October 18, 2010

Pentecost 21

I take comfort from two parts of today’s parable of the unjust judge and the widow. The first is justice is possible. Sometimes we need to be persistent and keep at the system that works so slowly. In the words of today’s sequence hymn (# 711):

Seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness,
And all these thing shall be added unto you;
Allelu, alleluia!

Ask, and it shall be given unto you, seek, and ye shall find,
Knock, and the door shall be opened unto you;
Allelu, alleluia!

The second comfort is that even grouchy, haughty people do the right thing sometimes. The unjust judge certainly did not rule in favor of the widow because she had a good case or because he believed it was the right thing to do. He did it so she would stop pestering him! I believe that is the work of the Holy Spirit and one of the many ways the mystery of God is manifest. Alleluia indeed!

Peace and Blessings,


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