Thursday, February 11, 2010

10 Feb - Fish With Faith

1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Luke 5:1-11

In today's Gospel, Jesus said to his disciples "You will be catching people."

If we claim to be Jesus disciples today, what can this promise mean for us? It will mean different things for each of us. It will mean risking more, being not quite so comfortable in our pews, holding back less, investing more of ourselves in living.

I hope it will mean our being less of the "establishment church," and more of being like the people that pressed after Jesus, seeking his teaching - people who look for, and see, the holy in living.

Surely it means for all of us, that we find some way of sharing with others - that our faith in Jesus Christ is an important factor in our lives. After all, if you or I discovered something of tremendous help to us, wouldn't we share it with people that we care for?!

Maybe this day, what we need most to pray for, as the people of God, is a return to being like the people who pressed after Jesus - "in-between people" if you will - people who dwell neither completely inside nor outside the structures in our society, but once again to live primarily, in the freedom of God's Spirit. Amen.


Fr. Bob +

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